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How to Prevent Moving Injury During Moving
There is no time when our homes are most cluttered than when we are planning to move out or move in. Boxes upon boxes pile up in all your rooms making your once home or soon to be home look more and more like a warehouse. If you think there is nothing dangerous about these times, think again! Here are many dangerous things that can happen. A simple way to avoid all this is to select a professional moving company. Devon Moving Company has a team of experts offering both local and long distance services at very affordable prices.
Between your mind racing to make sure you get all those ‘to do’ lists done, and your body trying to keep up with your mind, safety is still something you should be concerned about. Marie Morris a Mayo Clinic Health System family physician gave some practical tips to ensure home safety.
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Morris offers the following tips to make sure anyone who enters your house protected from accidents:
Fall Prevention
Falls are quite common, especially among the senior citizen population and during the winter months. Here are a few strategies to help you avoid slips and falls:
Light it up. Keep your house, inside and out, well lit. Dark rooms and areas pose greater risks than spaces with adequate lighting.
Remove clutter. Excess boxes, cords and rugs should be stored in a safe place. These things, among others, are all fall hazards.
Use support as needed. If you move around better with a cane or walker, use that device. And make sure you have hand railings, seating and nonslip treads throughout your home, including in your bathroom and shower.
Wear practical shoes. Choose sturdy, well-fitting shoes with skid-proof soles. High heels, sandals, slippers and stocking feet can be a catalyst for falling.
Stay active. Physical activity keeps you moving and your strength, balance, coordination and flexibility — all of which help reduce falls.
Talk with your health care provider. Discuss medications and health conditions tha` t could possibly contribute to falls. Additionally, cover your fall history and what led to those incidents.
Household Chemical Safety
Another common and often overlooked danger at the homestead is the common chemicals you have on shelves, benches and countertops. Follow this advice when it comes to household chemicals:
Store chemicals in original containers. If that’s not an option, be sure to clearly label the bottle or can.
Keep cleaners and other toxins out of the reach of children.
Read warning labels.
Follow safety instructions.
Properly dispose of expired, leaking or contaminated chemicals.
Don’t combine chemicals.
Keep chemicals far from food items.
Stay diligent about hand-washing after using cleaners and other chemicals.
Medication Safety
Always keep your medications in their original containers, except for medications you choose to place in a daily pill box. Use this pill box to assist with compliance, and always store medication in a safe place. Never take another person’s medication, share your medications or take more or less of a medication than directed. Dispose of unused or unneeded controlled sub stances and all old medications.
Proper Disposal
According to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, sharps, including needles, lancets and syringes, should be stored in a sharps disposal container or a laundry detergent bottle with a cap. Sharps disposal containers are available for purchase at most pharmacies.
Destroy sharps at home by using an incinerating device or needle cutter.
Melted metal and remaining parts of syringes can then be safely deposited in the garbage — not the recycling bin. Dispose of clipped needles at a sharps collection site or via a sharps mail-back program.
“Keep these fall prevention, chemical handling, medication management and sharps disposal tips in mind to ensure you, your family and your visitors are safer in your home,” adds Morris.
The next time you move out or into a new home or are simply trying to make more space available, remember these professional home safety tips. To know more about safety tips and how to avoid moving injuries, check out this helpful guide on how to ensure safety moving.
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How to avoid injuries while moving? Take a quick look at our 8 moving safety tips and learn why your best bet to keep injuries at bay when moving house is to be well informed of how to stay safe during your move.
Safety Tip 1: Plan 3 Steps Ahead (At Least!)

While some people on the move will be happy to not run into any major accidents while moving houses, you need to go one full step further and guarantee yourself a perfectly safe and smooth move – from the eerie moment of packing your first box in your current home to the joyous instant of unpacking your last moving container in your new house.
The first thing you should remember is that moving day safety goes hand in hand with good organization. Project into your relocation reality the wise words of a great man who once said, “Plans are nothing, planning is everything.” and you’ll soon realize the deeper truth behind his insightfulness. Plan your actions well before you implement them, or in simpler words: use your head before using your muscles. Don’t lift something until you know where you will put it and how exactly you will move it there.
Safety Tip 2: Ask For Adequate Moving Assistance
The process of moving house was never meant to be a one-man affair. Even if you’re lucky enough to have ample time until your moving date to take care of the organizational part of the move – a score of moving tasks to be completed in highly systematic and logical progression, packing up your house for a move will surely test your mental strength and physical endurance. Without a doubt, packing up an entire household on your own is never a joke when it comes to providing adequate safety but the impossible task is still attainable, especially if you follow our groundbreaking packing checklist to help you transfer all your earthly possessions into moving boxes in exactly 60 steps.
Safety Tip 3: Cheat The Laws Of Physics
One of the fundamental safety rules of moving house, yet to be set in stone, is that a single packed box should not exceed the reasonable limit of 50 pounds. Don’t make moving containers any heavier unless you wish to see in person what sorts of dangers will spring open out of the Pandora’s box. If a box feels uncomfortable for you to lift and carry around, then it has already become too heavy. Of course, you can always try and cheat your ways around the strict laws of physics by having the proper moving equipment around you.
Safety Tip 4: Use Proper Lifting Techniques
Moving days are usually filled to the brim with awkward and unusual movements that your body will not be too thrilled to go through – lifting, bending, pushing, pulling and even twisting. And as a result of that sudden unorthodox physical strain, your body will be more prone to sustain minor or even more serious (Heaven Forbid!) injuries.
- Number one lifting technique when moving house states that you should lift with the help of your legs, not with your back. Simply bend at the knees, keep your back straight as an arrow and use the sheer strength of your lower limbs as an ultimate hoisting device. Your back will thank you later.
- Speaking of simple yet brilliant moving safety tips to prevent back injuries, keep in mind, whenever applicable, that it’s always better to push heavy objects forward than to pull them backwards.
- Another safe and proper lifting technique states that if you find yourself in dire need to turn while still holding a heavy object, then you should turn with your feet, not with your hips.
- In order to avoid moving injuries when moving house, you should keep heavy items close to your body and centered in relation to your body height.
- Take only small steps at a time, always keep your footing secure and make sure your movements are slow and smooth as opposed to sudden and jerky.
- When lifting and moving heavy household items, keep your eyes looking in front of you and slightly upward.
- Avoid lifting heavy things over your head unless you absolutely must.
Safety Tip 5: Keep Hallways And Pathways Clear Of Obstacles
How to avoid injuries when moving house?
- One of the best moving safety tips is to create more unconstrained space and breathing room, both inside and outside your home, by removing any obstacles along the moving paths. It’s important to understand that disorganized clutter can easily and seriously jeopardize the accident-free success of your relocation.
- Packed boxes should be labeled and organized in neat piles away from any in-house hallways that lead to the outside so that the movement along the heavy-traffic zones is not impeded in any way.
- The outside areas, especially the outdoor pathways that lead to the moving truck, should be perfectly free of dust, mud, water, snow or ice, as well as clear of any debris on the ground that could prove to be real hazards on moving day.
- Consider trimming overgrown shrubs or protruding tree branches that might get in people’s way when the moving action receives green light.
- The more space for free movement you manage to create in your home prior to moving day, the safer your move will be in general. Take advantage of any available vertical space when arranging your packed boxes but be careful not to stack the filled moving containers too high for fear of them getting topped over and hurting someone.
Safety Tip 6: Keep Your Kids And Pets Away From Trouble
Adequate safety when moving house cannot be stressed enough. Read this Moving Safety Guide through and through and you will have a much better idea of what it takes to achieve a very good level of overall safety not only while you’re getting ready to move to a new home, but also on moving day and during your relocation trip as well. However, you must never forget that while you are getting a deeper understanding of the true dangers of a house move, you probably have dearly loved members of your family who are either too young or too cute to grasp the concept of moving safety, or even the concept of safety in general.
Safety Tip 7: Dress Appropriately For The Moving Occasion
Moving day safety comes in different shapes and sizes. Not surprisingly, one of the safety aspects that tends to be overlooked too easily during a residential move is the way a person dresses in the morning of their moving day. Don’t make the moving mistake of thinking that what you wear on moving day will have zero effect on the way the longest and most exhausting 24-hour moving period unfolds before your very eyes.
Our moving safety tips will now advise you on how to stay safe when moving by choosing the right type of clothes and shoes during your Big day.
- Ideally, your clothes will provide a maximum level of comfort and protection during your action-filled day. Forget about the word Fashion and select garments made of breathable and flexible materials that won’t restrict your movements in any way.
- Moving often proves to be dirty work, so choose the type of clothes you won’t really mind getting ruined after the long day.
- Baggy clothes are clearly out of the question due to their higher chance of becoming hooked onto a protruding part somewhere and thus compromising the moving safety you have worked so hard to achieve.
- As far as shoes go, select your most comfortable closed pair that you know will give you the best protection, flexibility and traction. You can never go wrong with a pair of high-top sports shoes that usually come with unrivaled ankle support and anti-slip soles.
- Don’t forget your personal protective gear either! High quality working gloves are monumental for your safety and well-being as they will provide exactly the improved grip and hand/finger protection you need.
Safety Tip 8: Use Your Common Sense
Use your common sense! This is probably the best moving safety advice you will ever get is to help you keep your moving adventure free of nasty accidents and painful injuries.
Our moving safety checklist is ending with random moving safety tips on how to avoid moving injuries by unlocking the true power of your innate common sense.
- Set some meaningful safety rules in the very beginning of your moving preparations and stick to them until the last moving box has been unpacked in your new home.
- Don’t be a moving hero. Try to resist the temptation to carry several moving boxes at once as pushing yourself too hard for too long can only lead to exertion and possible injuries.
- Stretch before you begin any instances of heavy lifting regardless of how skeptical you may feel towards warming up exercises. Just ask a professional athlete about the importance of getting your body warmed up for the physical efforts and listen to what they have to say.
- If you can think of an easier way to do something without straining your body, just do it. For example, stack heavy boxes onto a moving dolly instead of proving to yourself how strong you are.
- Listen to what your body is telling you, and listen closely. Understanding your own physical limits is an excellent way to keep moving injuries at bay.
Take advantage of the proper lifting technique described above and take short but frequent breaks before each strenuous job. Keep a first aid kit nearby just in case.
- It’s important to keep all participants in the move well hydrated and sufficiently energized, especially if you’re moving in the summer where the heat can strike you badly with its invisible hand. Prepare a variety of refreshing non-alcoholic drinks and at least three different types of snacks to keep everyone happy.
- Sometimes a house move proves to be too much to tackle on your own and the best thing you can do to ensure your safety and peace of mind under the circumstances is to invest in experienced professionals who will get the job done in the safest way possible.
Devon Moving Company would like to ensure that you have a safe move in or move out. Visit us and learn more practical tips about how to pack like a pro, how to come up with a reasonable moving date and how to choose the best moving company.